



The Worker Day
Processions and parades throughout the country to accompany a free day at work for the greater part of the country and a presidential speech that honors the day may 1. Few Costa Ricans know that the 1° of May is a public holiday in our country since 1857, but not by reason of the International Worker's Day. In Costa Rica, the holiday was established by Article 8: "In memory of the complete triumph of the weapons of Central America and the accountability and expulsion of the forces filibusters, the day may 1 will be a holiday, and will be held throughout the Republic with the solemnity as possible, the Flag (National) at the dawn of that day with twenty sledgehammer".
Day of San Isidro Labrador
Place: All over the country. Especially in Escazu.
Activity: Parades, Blessing of animals and crops, and fairs.
Overview :San Isidro Labrador, Patron Saint that Spanish by the example of holiness reached by its simplicity, style of life, work, prayer and donation by the other, has been "stolen" the hearts of those who, literally, they earn their bread by the sweat of their brow, our dear farmer. Boyeros The parades are present in several locations during the month of May. Among the main activities are: the reign, stop, football matches between priests, masses, traditional parade, carnival rides, games of gunpowder among many more, in addition, the rich foods that can never faltarlas patron saint's day of San Isidro remain one of the major events that are celebrated in the Valley of the General. Include a whole series of activities particularly attractive, such as a parade of the children of the catechesis, donations to the Patron Saint and the coronation of the queen of the patron saint festivities, horseback riding child, blessing of pets, game of gunpowder, parade of agricultural machinery and blessing of seeds.
Carrera de San Juan
Place: Cartagena- San Jose
Activity: Sport. Marathon.
Overview :The day of San Juan, it is celebrated with the realization of a half marathon (the largest of the year) with large turnout of riders to cover a distance of 22.5 kilometers of Cartago to San Jose.
Day of Corpus Cristi
Place: Carthage. All of Costa Rica.
Activity: religious celebration.
Overview: one of the most important festivals that are celebrated in the annual liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church, whose meaning is the Body of Christ. It is the day that is devoted to the Holy Eucharist .The festivity consists in a solemn mass, focusing on the Eucharist, and before the priest offered the blessing there is a procession with the Blessed Sacrament, which gives you a turn to the church with four stations devoted to prayer. Many children dress up in Los Angeles and the people produces altars and decorate the streets in the vicinity of every Catholic church.