Programa SiSiSi ECO Comunidad
Program SiSiSi ECO Community As Company SiSiSi Transfers & Tours Costa Rica located in the town of Tamarindo, a community with the pleasant atmosphere and sum interrelationship between its inhabitants we care about participants in the activities of recreation, prevention and sustainability. How we manage this? Collaborating with various local bodies, organizing activities, conveying a message of care about the environment to the tourists as well learn to enjoy the atmosphere forming part of the agent without being an aggressor but an agent of care and prevention.

Salvemonos Tamarindo
All we have to do something to save the planet in which we live and be able to make it a better place. Entitled Saving Ourselves is a grouping that is responsible for saving the monkeys of the Community of Tamarindo. The efforts of this project have yielded results, with regard to the preservation of one of the most representative animals of Costa Rica. In August 2009 were counted 123 monkeys in 9 flocks and in 2010 it was reported 125 individuals in 12 herds.
This project by means of the diffusion in our page of the link where you can help make your donation to help with the construction of bridges either due to lack of trees disappeared by the progress of construction also the association is responsible for the recovery of the monkeys that received electric shock in the cables of voltage going to move .receive power , healing, until they can be reintegrated into nature again.

Programa Bandera azul Ecologica costa Rica
Costa Rica boasts beaches with great natural beauty, what constitutes a very important factor for the tourist attraction national and international. Unfortunately, in our country there is no harmony between the development of coastal populations and the hotel boom, with the protection of the environment of the beaches. In the light of the foregoing, the Instituto Costarricense de Acueductos y Alcantarillados, through its Central Laboratory, periodically evaluates the quality of the water of the beaches in order to make health diagnoses and protect the health of the visitors to the coastal areas.
It promotes an annual appraisal system that serves as an incentive for taking care of the beaches, which consists in giving the "Ecological Blue Flag" to the community that can satisfy the aspects of quality of sea water, quality of the beaches, access to safe drinking water, wastewater treatment, environmental education, security and administration.

Mission To improve the quality of life of children, youth and low-income families in Costa Rica, promoting cultural, educational and employment opportunities, physical and mental health, and social cohesion and participation. Vision CEPIA is committed to being a transparent organization with a culture of professionalism and democratic organization. CEPIA is emerging as an active defender of equality, fairness and diversity and as a promoter of rights and empowerment of children and adolescents. The organization CEPIA holds a holistic, comprehensive, diversified, dynamic, participative, contextual and pedagogical vision humanista.Nuestro team believes that social projects should include volunteers and staff who cultivate sincerity, honesty, integrity, faith and peace the exercise of kindness, compassion, joy and generosity to mankind through concrete actions. In addition, all sustainable projects have better results when creating synergy between civil society, government and businesses.Transcending race, nationality, language and religion, CEPIA brings people together, in harmony, in a joint action in respect.