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Anniversary of the founding of the people of San Isidro


 Place: Perez Zeledon. San Isidro.

Activity: historic-cultural .

Overview:  A celebration to commemorate the anniversary of the founding of the agricultural town of San Isidro.

Carnivals of  Limón


Place:  Puerto Limon

Activity: Carnivals, parades, dances, games, sports, cultural and educational activities.

Overview: The Columbus Day is celebrated in the style of the port city with dances, parades, and concerts throughout the week, commonly known as " The carnivals " style of the Costa Rican Caribbean.

Day of the Cultures


Place: All over the country.

Activity: historic-cultural .

Overview : A celebration of the discovery of Columbus of the New World and the many cultural influences that have helped the modern form of Latin America; held throughout the country. When it was adopted the Day of the cultures are definitely clarified that the roots of Costa Rica, as in the rest of the Latin American countries, come from three tree trunks that interact since 1492. Are spanish, indigenous and African-caribbean that made us, although some did know, in a multicultural and multi-ethnic nation. The establishment of this celebration also served to recognize that, since the middle of the previous century, our country has benefited from the European immigration, central American, Asian, Jewish and arabic, among others.

Feast ot the Corn 


Place: Upala, Alajuela.

Activity: farming, parades, reign.

Overview: In Honor of the planting of the corn is done a coronation Queen of corn and a fancy dress parade of maize. This feast of maize offers traditional Costa Rican cuisine (married, Gallo Pinto, and fried bananas or sweet , the most delicious rice with milk and horchata that we have had, and, of course, a lot of delicious made from corn (corn bread, cakes of maize and corn tortillas).

Day of the Sabanero



Place: Santa Rosa National Park, Liberia (Guanacaste)

Activity: Popular feasts: dances, games, sports.

Overview: The National Day of the Sabanero is an activity of recent celebration that commemorates the honesty and delivery and also that the cooks gave to the Hacienda in Guanacaste. All the second Sunday of each month of November in the corral of stone at the Casona de Santa Rosa, the Group "Also and cooks from Guanacaste Cultural Redemption" organizes since 1994 the National Day of Sylvilagus floridanus. In both the activity and also cooks are the honorees. There is dance, choreography, awards, maroon, sales of meals, Montas of bulls at 3 p.m. in the stone yards

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